Working Principles

They sound cheesy but I wrote them myself.

Interdisciplinary Perspective

I strongly believe that in our deeply global, interconnected society, we need broadly knowledgeable folks who contextualize and apply technologies across traditional "disciplines." I strive to understand AI from a technical perspective, with a focus on the philosophical and sociological ramifications of its applications.

Clear Communication

Knowing something only matters if you can help others understand it, too. I love taking complex findings and distilling them into an nuanced yet unintimidating lesson for many different audiences. 

Technical Understanding

If I don't know how it works, I don't know its impact. I have a strong technical background in Computer Science as a software engineer, and have published at several A* Computer Science conferences.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

We all stand on the shoulders of giants. Working in teams helps ICs creativity, skill, and unique perspectives shine. I thrive when working within and facilitating teams towards common goals.
